Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Such Good Girls: Text to Society

Text to Society Blog

A central idea from my book Such Good Girls by R. D. Rosen is the idea of loss. In my book one of the main characters, Sophie, and her mom have to get new identities, move to a different country, and pretend to be of a different religion so that they don't get caught by the Germans and taken to concentration camps or killed. In this period of moving, Sophie loses many things. Shortly before they are planning to leave, the building Sophie's dad was in got raided by Nazi's and he wasn't seen again. Soon after that she and her mother move and she loses the comfort of home and familiarity. She even loses her identity since she has to act christian and be called a different name to make sure the Germans didn't suspect her and her mom as runaway Jews. Then, at the end of the war when her mother could tell her about how she used to be Jewish even though she didn't remember it much she suffered another loss of identity, after thinking she and her mother were Christian for 15 years.
Sophie around age 2 and her mom

An outside article I found that also talks about loss is http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2013-10-07/features/ct-talk-brotman-holocaust-20131007_1_aaron-elster-former-children-holocaust. This article talks about other hidden Holocaust survivors. It talks about how some people say it was better to be hidden than to have gone to a concentration camp and the hidden survivors didn't lose as much. However, this article talks about how some of the children had to leave their families and friends behind to die or had to come back to their families being gone and house raided by Nazi's and they are the only ones left. It also talks about how even though they're older they still remember the loss they had to deal with and how it still affects them.
One of the hidden Holocaust survivors

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Explain Why You Chose The Book You Did

I chose the book The Gunslinger by Stephen King. One of the main reasons I chose to read this book is because I have read a couple other books of Stephen King and like his writing style. Two other books I've read by him are, Thinner and Insomnia. I feel like the way he writes helps keep the plot interesting throughout the whole book. However, it also doesn't move too fast so you don't get confused about what's happening. I also like the way he tends to end many of his books.

I also liek reading fantasy fiction. I have read the book Hyperion which I've heard is like the Dark Tower Series. Since I really enjoyed Hyperion I thought I would also enjoy The Gunslinger. Hyperion was about a group of people traveling to the Time Tombs. The Dark Tower series is like this, however in the Gunslinger it's a single person and he is traveling to the Dark Tower.

Another reason I chose this book is my mom, dad, and older brother have all recommended it to me. My brother says the series that this book is part of (The Dark Tower Series) is Stephen King's best work. I liked reading some other books he has recommended to me so I decided to read this one too.