Monday, August 10, 2015

Entry 4: And We Stay

fter finishing the book And We Stay I was very glad to have chosen it out of the list. I chose this book because I wanted to read one that was written recently so I first looked into the ones that won or were honored in 2015. I naturally looked at the winner, I'll Give You the Sun, first but didn't like the idea of alternating perspectives between both people and times so I looked at the next book on the list, The  Carnival At Bray. This book seemed interesting but I wanted to read something with less of a love story than this one seemed to have. The next book on the list was And We Stay which I thought seemed interesting and had poetry at the end of each chapter which seemed interesting. The next two books just didn't seem as interesting as And We Stay so I decided to read that. After reading I never really felt a personal connection to the main character Emily. The only similarity I really found was she uses poetry as a creative outlet and I enjoy writing stories and occasionally read poetry for fun but never write it. I couldn't find a lot of personal connections in this article as it deals with something I've never experienced and is set in a boarding school when I've only gone to public school. I would recommend this book to my cousin because she is also into poetry as a way to express her feelings and skipped entering a poetry contest in the past out of fear of losing. Overall I found this book thought provoking and interesting. I looked forward to reading it and finding out more all the time.

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